ChessBase Mega Data Base 2010 | 2.8 GB
This is your entry to the chess database universe. With the ChessBase 10 Starter Package you have access to the continually updated ChessBase online database and as the bedrock for your chess study, Big Database 2010 with its 4.5 million games, from 1475 till November 2009. In addition the 2010 download service brings you a weekly supply of several thousand games, a total of over 200 000 new games. This means that your database will always remain bang up-to-date. Produce a dossier on your next opponent and study his openings. Save your own tournament games in your personal database and compare them with the games of the grandmasters. Take a look at how successful the chess greats are with your openings and fine-tune your repertoire with subtleties culled from the masters.
What you can do with ChessBase: Enter, annotate and save games, including variations, text commentary, spoken comments, embedded pictures, soundtracks and even video sequences; analyse position with GM-strength chess engines Fritz and Crafty (both included); retrieve games according to openings, players and tournaments; generate tournament cross tables and full graphic statistics of players or openings; merge games on-the-fly into an opening tree; generate a player’s dossier containing all available information from the database; find the new move in a game with one mouse click; generate a comprehensive openings report with main and critical lines, plans and most important games; search for material distribution, positions and manoeuvres, mates and stalemates; classify games according to self-defined middle and endgame criteria; print games in superb DTP quality with diagrams and multiple columns; automatic email transmission of positions, games or databases; team championship or correspondence chess management; integrated Chess Media System; and much, much more...
New in ChessBase 10.0: New integrated online database with millions of games, kept topical and up-to-date by ChessBase; split-second online search results (DSL); automatic update of your local reference database (Big or Mega) with the weekly instalments of games; display of games and moves with statistics in tree style; optional restriction to quality games in all searches; openings references include an overview of common variations; new search booster for super-fast results; openings books with instantaneous display of replies; fast-and-easy preparation for any specific players, with tree display and games; player dossier with improved openings references; direct access to the ICCF server for correspondence chess games; new engine functions, e.g. display of discarded lines; new functions for the chess server: e.g. online database accessible for kibitzers, ECO codes in the games lists, tactics training, full Chess 960 support. In addition: new look with high-resolution pieces, improved window management.
CB 10 – Starter Package
ChessBase 10 Program
Big Database 2010
Games download service till the end of 2010
Access to the online database with 5 million games
1 up-to-date ChessBase Magazine
A half year’s subscription to ChessBase Magazine (3 issues) for those who buy it of course!
Language: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, German
System requirements: Minimum: Pentium 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Windows7, Windows Vista or Windows XP (Service Pack 2), DVD ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9. Recommended: PC Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Windows Vista 64, GeForce8 graphics card (or compatible) with 256 MB RAM or higher, 100% DirectX compatible sound card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD ROM drive.
Use WinRAR to unpack .ISO file then burn to DVD at very slow speed to avoid errors. Enjoy!
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