Crash Twinsanity, Tag Team Racing, the GBA games and maybe even Crash Bash are all pretty good games. Not the most amazing games to ever be released on the planet, but still pretty damn decent.
The Japanese version of Crash Bash differs from the usual versions. Fake Crash appears as an unlockable character (although he is not playable in Adventure Mode) and, with the exception of Koala Kong, the character's voices are replaced with Japanese voice actors. Bonus videos are ... available, revealing secrets within the previous games.
DESC: Hop into a multiplayer party game with Crash Bash, a multi-event board game starring everyone's favorite marsupial mascot. Round up your friends and choose your heroes from among the eight Crash series veterans, including CoCo, Tiny and Dr. Cortex. Your group enters fierce competition in a series of events, taken from an overall stable of 28 unique tests.
Crash Bash: Hop into a multi player party game with Crash Bash a multi-event board game starring everyone's favorite marsupial mascot. Round up your friends and choose your heroes from among the eight Crash Bandicoot Warped: He's back and he's ready. All new-style game play action scuba diving ride a motorcycle a baby t-rex and go free-roaming airborne in a plane. Crash Team Racing: Start your engines...3...2...1...GO! CTR (Crash Team Racing) is speeding your way exclusively for the PlayStation. It's a multi-player character racing game.
Crash Bash is the fifth installment in the Crash Bandicoot video game series, which began with Crash Bandicoot in 1996. It is the first Crash Bandicoot game not to be developed by Naughty Dog (who had left the series to develop the Jak and Daxter series), the last to appear on the PlayStation console, and the first in the party genre (the second being Crash Boom Bang! six years later). The game's story centers on a contest of minigames held by Aku Aku and Uka Uka to decide whether good or evil is the strongest.
Crash Bash is a mini-game-based title, and the first Crash game not to be developed by Naughty Dog. The graphics are nowhere near as good as they used to be in the original trilogy, but they still stand strong for what is a PS1 game. The music is heavily based on the previous games, including remixes and remakes. The game is generally fun to play, but if you're playing it alone, it can get tedious and even frustrating after a while.
Crash Bash is a little bit like Mario Party, minus the board game motif and with the mascot-themed mayhem at an increased order of magnitude. It’s Crash gone postal, and it’s really no surprise when you consider his origins – he was originally slated to join the rank-and-file as a soldier in Dr. Neo Cortex’s custom-made army of mutant animals, but was rejected by his own creator as unfit to his purpose. Although lately Crash is looking a bit soft, I still remember that shifty-eyed idle animation from Crash Bandicoot that indicates (to me, at least) that Crash not only suffers a fractured mind, but chemical dependency to boot (what exactly is “wumpa fruit”, anyway?) – no wonder he’s chasing evil scientists through all his adventures, he just needs his next fix! Keeping this in mind, it’s a little easier to accept the surreal intro featuring disembodied, talking witch doctor masks convincing Crash and his brainy little sister Coco to join forces with Tiny and Dingodile (traded over to the side of good, just to even the odds) against Dr. Neo Cortex, N.Brio, Koala Kong and newcomer Rilla Roo to duke it out in a no-holds-barred, free-for-all war in mini-game battles testing reflex, speed, coordination, and to a lesser degree, intelligence.
Crash Bash is a multievent party game in which four people can play several minigames as characters from the Crash Bandicoot series. Characters include Coco, Brio, Dingodile, Tiny, and Neo Cortex. The games are organized from a central hub world from which spokes lead to different levels. Games include pong, in which players defend one side of the screen, and a pogo-stick game, in which players hop to change the color of squares on a board by landing on them, then earn points by collecting boxes. Another game places characters on the backs of polar bears as they try to ram each other off the sides of an iceberg, with variants that include melting ice and playfield angles that change with your location. Each game features variations; some allow for two-player teams.
Crash Bash is a game released for the Playstation, primarily intended as a multiplayer game. It was the first in the Crash series not to be produced by Naughty Dog. Instead, it was created and develope
Crash Bash can be played by one, two, or--if you have the multitap adapter--four players. The game ... features a mode that allows two players to join forces while issuing a challenge to another team. Although it would be considered a stretch trying to justify this as an opportunity to learn teamwork skills, it does bring an entirely new dimension to the game.
Crash Bash is supposed to be a multi-player party game but there isn’t even a board game theme to link the mini-games together. Instead, there is a Tournament Mode and Battle Mode where you can pick out which games you want to play. That way you can at least avoid the irritating Pogo Stick game which is just plain annoying.
Boom Bang is a spiritual sequel to Crash Bash on the PlayStation. This was a party game, but held to the warp room concept of the original game. This game decides to emulate the Mario Party style board game layout. The Crash cast has been gathered by an evil millionaire Viscount to chase down a secret power crystal that will grant his ultimate wish. It is supposed to be a worldwide race for a huge prize.